Friday, July 8, 2011

Trip to Smith Marine Fishing!!! with my brother and frens!

Arrived at marina Country club! woohoo!! Pier 5!
Let the picture do the talking!!
The boat on the right that is gonna bring us to.......................
 The boat above they say its being retain from the police it's been a long time there! nothing inside....

                                                           That's Asian hercules crane...

The Pilot giving bread crumbs to the small fishes... like piranha man!

If my croc's  WERE to fall.... 

Reached The placeee!!! Traveling time is around 10mins-15mins


    This is where the boats usually parked.

                      Nice cooling sheltered place....sweet...

Waste No TIME!! Every minute Counts!!!!! 

1 there 1 here 1 that side 1 this side hahaha...
 This is the pay pond!(above) $12 per fish it's a guarantee hit... Those are 1 super hungry fishes trust me

 Ok that's super huge Grouper ! which is typically Dead! Size is around 1 arm length yeah i know it looks small from the pic haha...

And the catches Begins.......................................................................whoish!


                                                       Yeah His first catch!

Baby stingray..... Please let it go! (already did)
ok that's one more! 

 And Again! 

2KG Sting Ray

Ahhhh at last!!! My fav lure hit the spot! Xrap! muack love u! Kim Bar Lor!

Enjoyed the whole day there indeed.. thanx to kelvin From Smith Marine... Not all of the fishes we caught
is added here because it will be too long...... but mostly is small stringray and some grouper..... Will return again no doubt bout that! thanx for viewing my page :)  leave a comment or rate my page thanx :p


This Next Picture is not for the faint hearted... please do not scroll down if you do not
wish to continue..............


pssst(that's a toilet bowl btw)

1 comment:

  1. The fishing regulation is necessary to protect and preserve a place to improve the fish population in the area.

    Fishing Guides
